JQ tricks with AWS

Posted on Jul 30, 2018 2 mins read


Handy tricks for pulling out AWS data. From time to time I find myself needing some quick and dirty reports detailing aspects of a given AWS account. These helper scripts have helped me in my cunsulting work as no two clients are ever using the same set of tools, and as a cunsultant I often find myself retrained by security contraints.

In general most of my code ( be it ruby, or jq ) uses some kind of simple cache mechanism. In most of these examples I'm making the aws cli call and passing the data to a file. I then use the file with jq. This helps me tune and debug the data as needed. I can also, obviously, reuse the data for different queries. Some day I might get around to making this a little more sophisticated, but for now I usually run the script once, then comment the line out and run it again as many times as is needed.

EC2 Instances

This gives me a mapping of the instance types used. This is most often useful in environments where we're using mostly static instance builds without any clustering ( EKS, ECS ) or ASG's. This is a sure sign the the client does not have a clean way to deploy code to newly created instances, which is a huge red flag.

aws ec2 describe-instances --query "Reservations[].Instances[].{InstanceType:InstanceType}" > /tmp/instance_types.json
cat /tmp/instance_types.json | jq -r 'group_by(.InstanceType) | map({type: .[0].InstanceType, count: length}) | sort_by(.count)[] | [.type, .count|tostring] | join("\t")'

EBS Blocks

This is a great way to get a sense for the size and usage of EBS blocks.


aws ec2 describe-volumes > /tmp/volumes.json

## Report total size of all ebs volumes
echo "---Total used---"
cat /tmp/volumes.json|jq '.Volumes|reduce .[].Size as $item (0; . + $item)'

## Report breakdown of types.
echo "---Types---"
cat /tmp/volumes.json|jq -r '.Volumes| group_by(.VolumeType)| map({volume: .[0].VolumeType, count: length}) | sort_by(.count)[] | [.volume, .count|tostring] | join("\t")'

## Report on size of volumes
echo "---Size (size in GiB / number )---"
cat /tmp/volumes.json|jq -r '.Volumes| group_by(.Size)| map({size: .[0].Size, count: length}) | sort_by(.size)[] | [.size, .count|tostring] | join("\t")'

echo "---Usage---"
cat /tmp/volumes.json|jq -r '.Volumes| group_by(.State)| map({state: .[0].State, count: length}) | sort_by(.count)[] | [.state, .count|tostring] | join("\t")'


I've seen cases where Lambda functions are forgotten about and snapshots end up piling up over time. It's usually not a big deal since snaps are cheap, but sometimes handy to know.


aws ec2 describe-snapshots --owner-id=349250784145 > /tmp/snapshots.json

## Report total size of all ebs volumes
echo "---Total used---"
cat /tmp/snapshots.json|jq '.Snapshots|reduce .[].VolumeSize as $item (0; . + $item)'

## Report on size of volumes
echo "---Size (size in GiB / count)---"
cat /tmp/snapshots.json|jq -r '.Snapshots| group_by(.VolumeSize)| map({size: .[0].VolumeSize, count: length}) | sort_by(.size)[] | [.size, .count|tostring] | join("\t")'
 aws jq

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